Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Two Things Tuesday

1) I had a slip and fall yesterday that was totally spastic. It was pouring rain and I was leaving the grocery store with 2 heavy bags in my hands. As I was exiting I hit a slippery, rainy patch and burled into this woman`s legs and almost took her out too. But, here is the thing i am so proud of:

The first words out of my surprised and confused mouth were...in French! I told her: (all in French now) "Oh, no! Excuse me that I fell onto you, it`s just that it`s very slippery right there and I didn`t see it! Please be careful there too for yourself. Bye now and have a great day!"

2) Have you heard that the magazine Domino is going out of print? They have a message on their web site and all subscribers are receiving notices in the mail. That totally stinks because although I never subscribed to that magazine I still bought it a lot and loved it. It`s really a pity, isn`t it? The economy is really taking it`s toll on some great companies and businesses. Not only am I sad for such a cool publication to go under, but I also feel bad for all the people who will lose their jobs, who are connected to that magazine. I remember buying the very first issue and becoming addicted because their home decor was so rad. I guess, with this economic crisis many more beloved things will be biting the dust!

And so I don`t leave you on a totally depressing note...


flower cupcakes 2582
Originally uploaded by hello naomi
how cute are these?

too cute to eat

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so sad that you fell like that, but very cool that your french was on auto.
I can't believe you've been there so that long, that auto french would be happening.
i love seeing yur life on here, it is so fun.
that magazine will be missed by me too, that is what my sister in law gave me for christmas, so sad.
those cupcakes are so cute too. miss u and love u.