Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Je arrive à Marseille!

Salut! I finally made it back here and now Yann is at work and I have a moment to update the old blog. I arrived back on August 4th, and Yann had 8 days off, which was a really cool thing to come home to. After unpacking my 300 pound suitcase we decided to go camping and kiting for a night in Beaduc, which is this beautiful natural beach with sand dunes. Its a really popular spot for kite boarding too, and there were lots of others camping with our same idea. We made up some food at home and brought a good bottle of wine and a few crucial bundles of firewood. We went snorkeling, kiting, and played frisbee until dusk and then went back to the campsite for some roasted sausages over the fire. yum, yum. seriously, why is food always better when roughing it?

We enjoyed the night stars and the crackling of the fire and headed off to the tent. Just as we are getting ready for bed, the wind kicks up something awful and all we can hear once in our beds is the ripping of our tent zippers. I am being serious when I say it felt like the world was ending out there. The tent was becomming unstaked from the sand, and sand is not the best kind of material to stick in your tent stakes, let me tell you! Yann is snoring away but come 3 am there is no way I can sleep because I feel like I may blow away and end up in the Phillipines. So, I wake him up and tell him Im going to sleep in the truck. He says ok, but someone has to stay with the tent.

So, I say, well, yeah, YOU have to stay with the tent. And he does. For about 10 minutes until he comes back to the truck and tells me there is no way he can sleep with all that damn flapping. So, he joins me in the tiny tiny blue truck, where we agree we will just pretend that we are flying in an airplane and we have to sleep sitting up. With our tray tables stowed and our seats in a VERY upright position. Morning comes and the sun shines in our car window and wakes us up. Its 5 am. I look out the truck window to see if the tent has flown away and I see that Yann has cleverly tied a giant rope around the tire to the tent poles...my smart baby. So, both the tent and ourselves survived; minus a few torn zippers and sore backs.

We enjoyed our next day. Lots of attempts on my part at kiteboarding. I got up and rode a couple times for a few seconds, but I really sucked overall. The main issue I had was with the other 480 kiters whizzing all around me at a million miles an hour. I was hard for me to feel like I could be free to practice, because I felt like I was going to throw my kite on someones head. But I definitly made some progress and that is what learning is all about, right?

Anyways, sad news on the computer front for me: my Mac has gone bananas and is no longer working for the moment. Im so frustrated by this because Yann and I just bought a new digital camera and also a digital camcorder. I was really wanting to try to do some photo editing on Photoshop Elements and also try to download the Camping Wind Nightmare episode on youtube so I could put a link to the blog. Anyways, Im sending her to a good American docctor and hopefully she will make a full recovery.

Anyways, until next time...a bientot!


Unknown said...

Sounds like a crazy time, hope your computer works again soon.
Do you miss america and geek squad, they fix computers on call you know?

Anonymous said...

Hey Heathie!You always have some kind of weird adventures! Glad to hear that you made it back to France safe & sound! I miss you much...call me soon! XOXO

Anonymous said...

great story heath! glad you are back in france with yann. still see you guys soon?