Sunday, December 13, 2009

There's a first for everything

I realized last night just how much love I have for the baby as she lay in my arms coughing such a bad cough. Poor thing; she has her first cold and it scares her mama. Luckily, when it got really bad we were at my grandfather's house for dinner and my mom was there to the rescue. Being a nurse she calmly helped us take her temperature, which was only 99.8, so no reason to freak out. She has been sneezing and has a pretty bad cough and we were worried about if she would sleep at all last night because she was so worked up. I can hear the congestion when she breathes, and it kills me! I wish I could have it in her place. And being the mom (the new mom) I was the most worried and was crying when she was crying. What a scene!

I knew it would be hard for me to sleep if I knew she was alone in her room, so we had her in with us last night and she slept on her side to help drain anything that she would cough up. It took me a good while to settle down and stop worrying about her being ok and breathing. Finally, after I could tell she was sleeping peacefully, I dozed off and she slept from about 10pm to 6am! Then I nursed her and she fell back asleep and is still asleep at 9:35am...that kid can sleep! I wish I could sleep as much as her and her dad...he is in there with her right now snoring away.

It's such an amazing journey becoming a mother. Last night as I was laying in bed restless, I kind of realized, wow, I'm a wife and a mom now. That comes with so many great responsiblities. I will sacrifice my own comfort and sleep to take care of this little human, who I feel so connected to. I always have an ear out for her and as soon as she lets me know, I'm there by her to check: does she need a new diaper? Is she hungry, bored, uncomfortable? I guess becoming a mother is a process after the baby is born into your arms. At first, you are just blown away that this being that grew inside you for 9 months is now in your arms. You are in awe and shock, almost. Then the reality of having the baby at home hits you about a month into her life (at least it did for me). I couldn't sleep and was having some big post pardum depression. My crazy hormones are to blame. Now, I'm feeling better about all that, but Yann helps me to remember to keep my "worrying" in check. Thank God I have him to keep me grounded and to not be such a worried mom.

I never wanted to be that way, because I always thought my own mother was too much of a worrier. However, now I can see that it is just the job of the mother to worry and look out for her young. It's a normal, healthy reaction, but I just need to keep it in check. I think as time goes on and she grows bigger and stronger I will feel more reasurred. I just look at her now, almost one month and a half old and she is so delicate and vunerable. My mother in law tells me that once you become a mom, you never fully stop worrying about your children, even she stills does with her own grown boys.

Moral to the story: Everyone gets sick at some point, so we may as well get the first cold out of the way now. Maybe it will just rev up her immune system and make her a stronger girl! I hope it passes soon.

And here are some holiday pics to leave you with:

I have to say our humble "poor" Christmas tree is the most beautiful tree I've ever seen. We are having a "poor" Christmas. With Yann not yet working we've told everyone it's a giftless holiday this year! We don't want to buy or receive any gifts at all, because that's not even the point of the season, right? So, as far as our tree goes I really didn't have anything to decorate it with so with dug through boxes of old holiday stuff my parents were going to give to Goodwill. We found tons of great ornaments and then I topped those off with a few cheap ones from Target; the 4 for 1$! I think our tree is all the more glorious because it cost about 5 bucks to decorate! And also, here are the two Christmas stockings that I made for Yann and the baby. Those took a while, because they are all handmade from pieces of felt I cut out and then I embroidered shimmery beads and snowflakes on them. In my family growing up everyone had their Christmas stocking handmade by someone in the fam. Mine was made by my great grandmother. So, I had to make one for Yann because he never had one before and of course for the baby too. Now, I have to finish the combo stocking for the cat & dog. Do I really have to make one for them??






Here is a pic from a walk we took out on the beach the other day. The 'winter' weather has been so crazy here in south Fl lately. This day was foggy and misty but hot and windy. The waves were all stormy and of course we were the only weridos out in the horrible weather. We packed up after this picture and ate our picnic in the car on the way to the mall...much more civilized there!


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tired is the word!

Well, I am just now getting over my yucky head cold. I was sick all last week and was dreading giving it to the baby so, my family suggested I wear a "swine flu" style face mask while I nurse her. Poor baby, she must have been terrified of this strange masked person looking at her! She was really fussy last night and I think it was probably because of the vaccination she got on Friday for Hep B. Yann got less sleep than me, as he was out on the couch with the baby moniter and he kept having to get up and change diapers and comfort her. Man, they aren't kidding when they talk about the lack of sleep a new parent will encounter. We are both wiped out!

But the baby is great; She is growing like a weed! At her doctors appointment we saw she gained a lot of weight. She was 8lbs. 3 oz. two weeks ago and this time she was 9 lbs. 5 oz! So, I guess mom's milk is high in fat content; she is getting this cute rolly polly belly on her. We've started to do a few minutes a day on tummy time and she always gets a very confused look on her face. She has started to coo and little bit and look in our faces more. I feel like she is not such a tiny newborn anymore, but quickly turning into a baby. She is really becoming such fun to be with and also I'm pretty much in love with her. :) Enjoy some pics...We are decorating our little tree today!!




Monday, November 23, 2009

23 days in, people!

Well, Here I am finally lifting myself from under the fog that is having a newborn at home! It really is crazy and all the warnings and advise people give you about babies is true! Lack of sleep is number one. Days going by way too fast is another. Messy house? Check. Not feeling any motivation to cook? Check! But one thing I have been able to make the time to do everyday (thanks to my sweet husband!) is to take a nice long shower. I have realized that this is key to feeling alive and feeling like you are still a human being and part of the living, working world!

We have so enjoyed all the precious days with our little nugget. Getting to know her, what she likes and what makes her scream her cute head off. Each day there is still new things we notice or learn about her. And I feel like she is getting to know us more too. Recognizing our voices and tracking objects that are close within her range of vision. We have been perfecting the "5 S's", which are essential baby calming tips from this great book, "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and our other saving grace is the Miracle Blanket, which is a swaddle blanket that has saved our lives and given us some sleep. I highly recommend this blanket!!

We have been doing some outings everday. I just get a little antsy and "Cabin Fever-ish" if we stay all day in the house with her. Plus, I think the outings are good for her too. They get her used to noises, voices, and being on the move. Plus, she can sleep anywhere so we just take her with us and she totally passes out. Last night we went out to our first dinner with my mom to a yummy Thai place. The whole time she was just on the edge of waking up, so we couldn't completely relax, but it is just good for our heads to get out a bit.

Too bad the weather here in Florida still is so hot! I can't believe Thanksgiving is coming up so soon and still I can't even stroll outside with the baby without almost having a heat stroke. It really makes me question if this time next year we will still be living here! Today my parents and I took her to this cute park right on the water and walked her and the dog (who is feeling a little left out!) on a nice walk.

As far as is going truly great. I have to say, I was nervous that it would be difficult, because I have heard so many stories, but luckily her and I have really caught on to it together and it has been pretty smooth. It is such a sweet way to bond with a baby and I love tohold her warm little body so close to my heart. And the cute little noises she makes will just make you melt!

We have been feeding her about every 3 hours but at night we have been getting about 4 1/2 hour stretches. Which is pretty great for a 3 week old baby, so I've been told. She was falling back to sleep very well in between nursing at night, but I was having a hard time falling back to sleep, because she was sleeping in the co-sleeper bassinet right next to my side of the bed. She would fall fast asleep, but make so many noises in her sleep that I would be all worried and not able to sleep. Plus, I was worried about waking Yann up. So, the last few nights we have tried a new and improved system. Seperate sleeping quarters for all! And I am a little sad I can't sleep righ tnext to her, but I really need good sleep and this seems like the best system for us. Yann is out on the couch with the baby moniter and when he hears her cry for food in the night, he brings her to me.

Anyways, we are so happy that the holiday is coming up soon! Her first Thanksgiving and we have so much to be thankful for this year!; it's going to be very low key. Just my in-laws and my fam and Yann's 2 really good friends from France. Yes, they will be seeing something they've never imagined possible...a 'tart' made from pumpkin! Enjoy your holiday and see you soon!

Here are some pics from her two week birthday.. a trip with mom and papa to the park.






Tuesday, November 10, 2009

doing good! Week one down..

Well, things here are setting in with baby. We have our breastfeeding routine and schedule posted up on the fridge. And she actually sticks to it pretty good, with feedings every 3 hours and lots and lots of deep newborn sleep in between. Yeah, it's true what they say: newborns lives consist of eating, sleeping, and pooping! And gratefully with 'Nugget' (baby's nickname) she is so colic or major cry fests. Overall, she has been a really easy baby. Yes, we are tired and still exhausted at the end of each day. But we are so loving every minute of being parents to this angel.

It's been so nice to have Yann home here with us and he has been doing major Papa & baby bonding time. He sings her songs in French and she smiles in her sleep back at him. He is a natural with her; so calm and sweet. I am so impressed with his fathering skills, seeing as he never had really even held a baby or changed a diaper before having one! I am just in love with this little tiny bundle of warmth. Her skin is so soft and smooth and it smells heavenly. I am forever sniffing her little head and petting her hair while I feed her. So, now she is about 10 days old and I am wondering how much weight she is putting on. We have a doc appointment next week, so I will report back on that. We keep commenting on how it seems like her little belly is getting rounder and rounder.

So, here are a few more pics to hold you over!

Photo Credit to Liga Photography, Orlando, FL

Photo Credit Liga Photography, Orlando, FL

Photo Credit Liga Photography, Orlando, FL

Photo Credit Liga Photography Orlando, FL

Her first bath!

Not liking her 1st bath!



Papa & baby time


Blissed Out!

Friday, November 6, 2009

baby, baby, baby!!!

Well, hey there!!! So, I know I haven't written the BIG post. The post where I tell you every detail of our beautiful daughter's arrival into this world. Well, I'm a little bit busy at the moment to really take the time to make a proper blog post, as you may imagine, but....

I can tell you that our girl was born on November 1, 2009 at around midnight (how bad am I? I don't even remember the time!) and she weighed 7lbs. 8oz. She was 20 1/2 inches long and scored a 9/9 on the Apgar test. She is now about 5 days old and stolen our hearts fully and completely. I am in LOVE, people, big time. She is just amazing and so pretty, if I do say so myself. We are very tired and sore in bizarre places, but we are a family now, 3. And we are living on Cloud 9.

So, please bear with me as i take a few days to recover from the birth and enjoy some special bonding time with baby. But I leave you with a couple of my favorite pics from the last few days...

PS-I won't be posting her name to protect our family's privacy, but I will come up with some cute little nickname to refer to her. Those of you that know me probably already know her name anyways...:)







Thursday, October 29, 2009

Maternity photographs

So, below are some awesome maternity photos my best friend Abby Liga of Liga Photography/Liga District Photography in Orlando, Florida took around September 5th, 2009. I forget exactly how pregnant I was at that point, but today I am much bigger than in these pics! I admire Abby so much as a business woman and as a artist. She has now shot my wedding and also these photos. She began photographing for her high school newspaper at 14 years old. I remember on the weekends she would have to attend the football games, even though she wasn't really into sports, but she had to go "on assignment". I have watched her develop her craft over the many years we've been friends. She never ceases to inspire and amaze me. She is a woman of such stlye; I have never seen the girl in a slouchy outfit. The girl knows how to shop, how to dress, and how to style her subjects in such a way that exudes chicness and sexiness. Somehow, even though the day we shot these pics in my parents backyard, it was a million degrees and I was sweaty, hot, and uncomfortably huge, Abby still made me feel like a beautiful and radiant expecting mother. Abby is always on the move and I admit, I live vicariously through her sometimes. She is always flying out to NYC, Chicago, or some exotic Caribbean island to shoot on location at destination weddings. And I am so excited for her, because this December she is doing a wedding in Scotland!

She has always been there for me, through thick and thin, and this gift she has given me of these photos is really one of my most cherished gifts that I've received for this baby. The cute little pink outfits are adorable, but after she outgrows them, I will still have these special images to remember how I felt and looked while pregnant. So, to Abby: thank you a million times over and I hope to make this up to you someday by making something special for you!! I love you!

And seeing as how my due date was 2 days ago, it looks like I probably won't be pregnant too much longer. In fact, last night I began having subtle contractions and they have been continuing throughout the morning today. I have an accupuncture appointment today with a woman who specializes in gettin' labor going! So, hopefully, we'll have some news for you in the next day or two. We shall see.. I feel so ready to do this labor and to meet our baby girl and hold her in our arms. The excitement and anticipation is a lot of fun, but it's almost show time! Anyways, enjoy the pics!
















And my absolute favorite...


Friday, October 23, 2009

Go Break a Leg

Oh boy, guys. Do I have a great excuse for not blogging in a long, long time! Just wait till you hear this one: This past Sunday after church and a big Belgium waffle breakfast, my husband went Kitesurfing up in St. Petersburg and I got a phone call from him about 2 hours later. He sounded pretty panicked and I heard a bunch of people around him making noise and then the dreaded ambulance siren in the background. Ugg..I was about to walk into Williams Sonoma to return a broken blender! So, long story short...

He did a really crazy trick on his kite board which he does a lot and always lands it, but this time the wind kicked up just as he was in the air. This carried him about 30 feet up and slammed him down onto the water with the board strapped to his feet. Well, upon impact from that height, his bone basically just shot out of his leg and broke and he had to deal with pulling the board off his dangling/floating leg and calling for help. So, they dragged his butt up on the beach and called 911. Thank God he wansn't too far out in the water when it happened.

So, they took him to the trauma unit in St. Pete hospital and by the time we got there he was already in the middle of his 2 hour surgery. He got a surgery which inserted a titanium rod into his leg from the ankle up to the knee. We were there for him when he got out of surgery and he looked pretty banged up. He had to stay in the hospital for 2 days and recover and finally they let him come home. So, I have been playing nurse to Yann; changing his dressings everyday. He doesn't have to wear a cast, but he does have to be on crutches for the next 6 weeks.

So, Daddy will be doing lots of father/daughter sitting on the couch gazing into each others eyes bonding stuff! Because that's about all he can do for now. We borrowed my grandfather's wheelchair and so he has been able to get around the house pretty good and do dishes. For the first week he basically needs to keep the leg elevated 90% of the day, so he has to be laying or sitting. And yes, he feels really bad about all this. I've been pretty sweet about it all, if I do say so myself, because I feel like the injury and pain is punishment enough. Was I a little pissed he did this to himself 6 days before my due date? Yes! But number 1: I'm just thankful it wasn't something worse or more permanent and number 2: with a newborn baby you basically just stay home and lay in bed anyways. So, we are making the best of all this.

One day we'll look back on this time and laugh.

Sorry for no cute pictures of ourselves, but I am too overwhelmed to be snapping pictures. Between our move, my in laws coming into town, and Yann's broken leg I have had no time for anything like that. But I bet once that baby is here, there will be no putting the camera down!

And did you know my due date in in 4 days? Oh my gosh, I am so excited!!!! And when are my contractions going to begin??

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Nursery is complete!

So, finally the nesting can begin! Or should I completed? We knocked out the nursery and not a moment too soon. :) The colors are lime greens and chocolate brown. Cute for a girl, right? Anyways, I hope you enjoy and check out the mini video of me at the end of the post. I really think it turned out pretty cute, if I don't say so myself! And next time I'll be posting pics of my Mommy Glam photo sesh with the lovely and talented Abby of Liga District.






And here is a detail of the bedding...


And on either side of the crib are hanging some vintage embroidery patterns of kitties that I did while in France...



and Rascal in the nursery after his haircut; he feels very naked now...
