Monday, November 23, 2009

23 days in, people!

Well, Here I am finally lifting myself from under the fog that is having a newborn at home! It really is crazy and all the warnings and advise people give you about babies is true! Lack of sleep is number one. Days going by way too fast is another. Messy house? Check. Not feeling any motivation to cook? Check! But one thing I have been able to make the time to do everyday (thanks to my sweet husband!) is to take a nice long shower. I have realized that this is key to feeling alive and feeling like you are still a human being and part of the living, working world!

We have so enjoyed all the precious days with our little nugget. Getting to know her, what she likes and what makes her scream her cute head off. Each day there is still new things we notice or learn about her. And I feel like she is getting to know us more too. Recognizing our voices and tracking objects that are close within her range of vision. We have been perfecting the "5 S's", which are essential baby calming tips from this great book, "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and our other saving grace is the Miracle Blanket, which is a swaddle blanket that has saved our lives and given us some sleep. I highly recommend this blanket!!

We have been doing some outings everday. I just get a little antsy and "Cabin Fever-ish" if we stay all day in the house with her. Plus, I think the outings are good for her too. They get her used to noises, voices, and being on the move. Plus, she can sleep anywhere so we just take her with us and she totally passes out. Last night we went out to our first dinner with my mom to a yummy Thai place. The whole time she was just on the edge of waking up, so we couldn't completely relax, but it is just good for our heads to get out a bit.

Too bad the weather here in Florida still is so hot! I can't believe Thanksgiving is coming up so soon and still I can't even stroll outside with the baby without almost having a heat stroke. It really makes me question if this time next year we will still be living here! Today my parents and I took her to this cute park right on the water and walked her and the dog (who is feeling a little left out!) on a nice walk.

As far as is going truly great. I have to say, I was nervous that it would be difficult, because I have heard so many stories, but luckily her and I have really caught on to it together and it has been pretty smooth. It is such a sweet way to bond with a baby and I love tohold her warm little body so close to my heart. And the cute little noises she makes will just make you melt!

We have been feeding her about every 3 hours but at night we have been getting about 4 1/2 hour stretches. Which is pretty great for a 3 week old baby, so I've been told. She was falling back to sleep very well in between nursing at night, but I was having a hard time falling back to sleep, because she was sleeping in the co-sleeper bassinet right next to my side of the bed. She would fall fast asleep, but make so many noises in her sleep that I would be all worried and not able to sleep. Plus, I was worried about waking Yann up. So, the last few nights we have tried a new and improved system. Seperate sleeping quarters for all! And I am a little sad I can't sleep righ tnext to her, but I really need good sleep and this seems like the best system for us. Yann is out on the couch with the baby moniter and when he hears her cry for food in the night, he brings her to me.

Anyways, we are so happy that the holiday is coming up soon! Her first Thanksgiving and we have so much to be thankful for this year!; it's going to be very low key. Just my in-laws and my fam and Yann's 2 really good friends from France. Yes, they will be seeing something they've never imagined possible...a 'tart' made from pumpkin! Enjoy your holiday and see you soon!

Here are some pics from her two week birthday.. a trip with mom and papa to the park.







KatieKate said...

SO glad you are all doing well. We did the separate sleeping thing for awhile, too- it really changed our lives. Curt had almost ZERO time off work, so he had to sleep. Ry and I made a nest for ourselves in her room until she dropped on of the night feedings. It's what worked for us...

You're doing great! Have a great Thanksgiving!

Karen said...

Thanks for the nice, newsy update.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!