Thursday, May 7, 2009

Le petit bebe

Well, I just dropped off my dear friends, Stephanie and Logan, at the Aix train station. Off they go to Paris for a couple of days before heading back to the States. It was so great having them here! Yann and I got to play tourists for once and go check out some places we had both never been. Lots of sightseeing and wandering around old ancient villages and sipping espresso on the boulevards. It was Logan's first time out of the country, so it was fun to see France from the eyes of someone so excited to be there and taking it all in. I mean, these guys were the easiest guests; so easy to please, they loved everything we did! We ate at lots of restaurants around Aix, which was fun, because normally Yann and I cook at home. And I didn't take one picture the whole time, because Steph had her camera and was going nuts with the pictures, so I will have to post some after she sends them my way. We checked out St. Tropez and Barcelona; I had never been to either place. How could you not road trip it to Barcelona when it's only a 4 hour drive? I'm sad to see them go; the trip flew by, but now I have to prepare for the next guests, my parents!

So, above I have posted the first ultrasound image from the doctor! Look at that little cute, alien lookin' thing! I think it looks like Yann! Just teasing, honey. We just had our third doctors appointment a few days ago and it looks like everything is right on track. I cannot tell you how happy we are to hear that! I love my appointments because we get to hear the heartbeat and to see the baby moving around. It gives me great comfort and happiness to see that, because it reassures me that the baby is healthy and growing in there. I have basically felt incredible thus far in the pregnancy. I had my 2 weeks at the beginning where I was feeling all kinds of morning sick. But Steph kept telling me she always forgets that I actually am pregnant, because I'm not really showing yet, and I feel amazing. I was pretty much able to keep my energy up enough in Barcelona to walk around the city for 2 days straight and have no problem. Well, besides sore legs and feet!

But if the rest of the pregnancy goes as well as this, I will be very happily surprised. For now, I am just thankful all seems well and the baby is ok. My next appointment is on June 1st and there is a small chance she will be able to tell the sex. Last time the doctor could almost make a pretty sure guess, but we asked her to not tell us until she is very sure. The last thing I need is to go out and buy tons of blue clothes, when really it's a little girl in there! So, we will wait and see soon. I am dying to know though!

Well, I'm off to take care of Laundry Mountain. Who wants to come help me??

1 comment:

Nan said...

hurrayyy! you are looking like a hot pregnant lady. you will soon realize something will hit on you because you are pregnant. it is totally weird. call mee sooon. when are you going to be here again??