Monday, February 22, 2010

hello friends! it's been a while

Well, all I can say is wow. I am just so guilty feeling right now about not updating my blog! Sorry if I let anyone down, but becomming a mama has wiped me out and I know those of you can understand that have kids! To be perfectly honest, I have been kind of struggling with the whole identity shift of turning my life into mom-world. can anyone out there relate to this? Did you just become a mom like being overnight or was it a gradual progression into motherhood? I just would love some feedback from the experienced peeps out there. thanks guys! And anyways, one thing I can not deny is that the kid is cute!! so, we are hopefully making a come back to the blog world. i think in blogs we tend to only show our best sides. at least i have been very guilty of that during my time in France. so, i am here to be honest and more frank in this post as to why i haven't been so active on my blog. ok, well, enjoy this short little post as much as you can and i hope you think my little one is a cutie too! xoxo heather







KatieKate said...

Aw, thanks for the super cute photos :) She's an absolute doll.

Heather, it's a major transition- for anyone. Being married, being just the two of you, being active in different things, eating whenever you want, leaving whenever you want... and then all the sudden being 100% respoinsible for this little life. It's a major adjustment, but I promise you it gets easier.

Don't think you're missing, though! You're still you. You're still everything you were before... some stuff just gets put on hold for a bit while you jump start this little life. You won't regret it.

Unknown said...

heather, you know you are not alone. i've told you that it's so hard to become that way so fast, it's a definite progression. the cuteness helps a lot, but it is challenging to say the least.

i agree with katie in that, you are still you. keep on being creative in some way, this helped me so much with will. i started painting on these pieces of wood and got into refinishing furniture and printing on fabric and cooking, things that were random for me, but helped me. it's very important to keep creative juices flowing for the young creative mom, i really believe this.

also, no guilt in blogging. i also really believe this. you blog when you feel like it. we'll be here to read when it comes.

i'm so glad to see the precious girl though, my goddaughter is the best.

Nan said...

Heya Lady! I am so glad to see you is so important to stay true to your creative outlets during the crazy transition to motherhood, mainly because it allows you to integrate the premama world and mama world in a positive, productive way! Katie Kate is are still you, if motherhood does one thing it shows you how much more of you there is to share and love. It gets easier! ps. for teething...wyland's teething tablets and infant motrin saved my sanity! xoo nan

Karen said...

I don't know much about motherhood (!), but YES, she's a cutie, Heather!

AND, I'm glad to see you connecting a bit here with friends. Hang in there!!