Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hey, can you believe it's already close to election time?! How exciting is that? I am really looking forwar to seeing the results of this election.  I can tell you, in my English classes, a lot of the discussions have been based around the upcoming election and the two candidates.  French people are very interested in this election as it has a big effect on their life too.  America is so tied to many other countries in the world and sometimes as Americans we forget how much influence our politics really have.  However, living in a foreign country I am aware of this impact as I see tons of U.S. election coverage on French news everyday.  I can tell you overall who French want to see as the next President of the US and that man's name rhymes with Mama, llama, and Mamba.  I have been watching, thanks to You Tube, all the election debates, Obama's 30 minute commericial, and reading news from the States.  It's weird to not be in my country for this important Presidential race, however, I did already vote.  And that is the most crucial action to take in this whole thing.  Just go out and vote and get your voice heard, no matter who you are voting for.  

The more Americans that vote, the more our voice is heard.  The government will see who the majority of Americans want as President after this election, thus they will see more clearly the desires of the American people.  I have my own strong beliefs about this election as most people now have, and of course I really hope the guy I voted for wins!  (I won't reveal, but maybe some already know.)  Maybe after the election I will post to tell if I am happy or not about the election results.  We'll see, America....

And on to the yucky weather we are having here in Marseille...It's been cold, overcast & rainy for days and it is going to continue through the weekend. Yann is upset because he has 16 days off and he can't go kite boarding. The weather is too bad.  He will kite in the cold wind and rain, that's not the problem.  It's that, when it's too cloudy the wind dies, and no kite boarding for anyone.  Oh well, hopefully things will turn up soon.

Happy Halloween from France!  No one really celebrates it here so I'm not expecting to have any Trick-or-Treaters knock on our door.  But maybe there will be one or two odd French people that dress up and bum around the bars on the Vieux Port.  The section for Halloween in the grocery store consists of some old, tangled up black wigs and some dusty bags of candy.  There is also an absence of carved pumpkins glowing on front porches and of signs for Haunted Houses at the local church or mall.  There are no invitations for Halloween parties in our mailbox and no one will be toilet-papering the neighbour's lawn.  Oh, well...C'est la vie...

I am missing the commercial American holidays of the Fall, as well as the changing leaves, which we don't have here.  I am also missing hiking with my dog, which is what my parents are doing right now in North Carolina.  

Last thing:  Yann and I are having our 1 year anniversary tonight!! (Not of marriage, of course, but of meeting eachother for the first time.)  One year ago tonight, Yann & I locked eyes at the noisy, smokey bar that is called S.K.O.B (Siesta Key Oyster Bar), it was love at first sight. and the days keep getting sweeter & sweeter.   Happy Anniversary, Yannou! xo

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