Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nice is Nice!


The cool thing about your car dying when you live in France is that, when you go car shopping, you go to Nice, and you go to Cannes to look at used cars. Hello car shopping; I love you! I will do car shopping anytime when it involves a day trip to these two great cities by the sea and includes a romantic lunch outside at a cafe in the sun, with your used car shopping partner in crime. Mine today happened to be Yann and he made sure we got the job done and had fun. After lunch we strolled around the sidewalks on the beach and jumped aboard old wooden boats for photo ops. We watched the fishermen putter in and out of a tiny port and load up their heavy, fish-laden nets. And we test drove and inspected Volkswagen Passat wagons. Two of them, and we went for the one that came from Italy last week. It`s a year 2000 car in silver with 145,000 kilometers on it. Don`t worry, I will be posting pics of our new addition to the family very soon. Yann will go pick it up next week and bring it back to Marseille; I will also be including a photo montage of our current broke down truck, so as to give her a proper farewell (a goodbye I`m so looking forward to!)

This new car will make living here so much more comfortable and safe. When Yann is gone I have to do a good bit of driving around Marseille for work and errands. Our truck has some major safety issues that were freaking me out and then it just up and died on Sunday. We taped up a À Vendre`sign in the window and pushed it`s dead butt out onto the busy street by our apartment. We also published an ad on a web site that is only for the Volkswagon Caddy trucks, like ours. See, Yann is under the (dis)illusion that his beloved truck is a rare and vintage antique. I think them are some fancy words for `Piece-of-junk, Rust-bucket truck`. But we`ll settle that score when we see how much the selling price is!



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